Jennifer Rosenbluth, MD, PhD Joins Faculty
Jennifer Rosenbluth, MD, PhD is joining the faculty as Assistant Professor in the Division of Hematology/Oncology at UCSF. She earned her AB degree in Molecular Biology from Princeton University, then completed the MD/PhD program at Vanderbilt University where she completed her dissertation studies in Biochemistry under the guidance of Dr. Jennifer Pietenpol and developed a method for activating the p53 homolog p73 to target triple-negative breast cancers. She subsequently completed clinical training in medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital and medical oncology at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. Her postdoctoral research studies were performed in the lab of Dr. Joan Brugge at Harvard Medical School, where Dr. Rosenbluth developed new methods for studying breast epithelium using patient-derived three-dimensional breast organoid cultures and utilized single-cell technologies to identify premalignant breast cell types that are associated with cancer risk factors. She also cared for breast cancer patients at the Susan F. Smith Center for Women’s Cancers at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, and last year was the inaugural Sidney Farber Scholar at Dana-Farber where she investigated mechanisms of early metastasis and potential combination therapies for an aggressive subtype of breast cancer, inflammatory breast cancer.